Ideas For My Channel

The brief I have chosen for this project is the TV channel one, which includes building a website for a new TV channel with 3 hyperlinked pages; a newspaper advertisement; a double page spread of a TV listing mag advertising the channel.

First, I need to decide on a genre for my TV channel, these are my initial ideas:
·      An alternative genre rock music channel
·      A music channel for unsigned bands
·      A channel about tattoos
·      A sport channel, but for skateboarding, bmx riding etc.
·      A channel for the “body modification” scene, such as piercings and tattoos and alternative music.

As a final decision I am going to do the channel for the alternative music scene, specialising in punk and thrash music. I don’t want
Name Ideas:
·      Thrash TV
·      Loud TV
·      Alt TV
·      Mosh
·      Heavy TV
·      Raw TV
·      Taint

For the name of my TV channel i would like something memorable, simple but a name in which gives an obvious hint as to what the channel entails. I also want the name to be open enough so I can include more than just music in my channels criteria/listings as I could have programmes dealing with anything else which falls under the “alternative” scene such as tattooing, the fashion and sport such as skateboarding. Out of the idea’s above, Thrash TV, Raw TV and Alt TV are the few that I will finally choose from.

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