Researching Websites

Before i think about starting my website i need to understand the conventions and streotypes of a website so first off i researched this. I found out a few"Do's and Dont's" of website design.

·  Your logo should be at the top of the page as this will be the first thing viewers look for to identify the website. 
·  Your logo should link back to your homepage.
·  Underline links and put them in a different colour within a piece of text. 
·  There are normally sponsered adverts on a website page. 
·  Navigation bar either at the top, or to the right or left. Including different
·  Drop down menu's.
·  Pictures/photographs/logo's. 
·  Colour scheme relevent to your channel. 
·  A background colour or image relevent to the channel.

These are just a few things to keep in mind when making mock ups and thinking about the layout and content of my own website. 

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